Graham Ramsdale has been the manager of Tatiara Seeds since its inception and believes customer service is his highest priority.
Tatiara Seeds has been in operation since 1976. It began in Bordertown, with one processing plant and a single operator. We expanded to Bordertown and Keith in 1998 with a total of ten processing plants, and a staff of up to 40. We are now back to just the Bordertown site after selling the Keith site to Peters Commodities in January 2024.
We have over 200 silos for incoming storage and 8,000 square metres of warehouse for storing bags of seed.
Graham or any of his team of experienced seed cleaners can advise you about all aspects of weed seed removal and processing to eliminate any other contaminants.
Bordertown Despatch Office Ph: (08) 8752 0739 obeqregbja@gngvnenfrrqf.pbz.nh.
Tatiara Seeds is located at 66 Nalang Road, 4.5km south of Bordertown.
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